A View from the Pew
Ever spent a day shaving pigs? Apparently that’s a job for some people. It makes the pig’s muscles stand out so the hope for future bacon looks brighter. Ever worked as an oil tank removal technician? A sinkhole garbage specialist, concrete-wall demolisher or slime eel fisher? Mike Rowe made a quite a career trying out …
If you are a preacher, you have my immediate admiration.What you do matters. Really matters. That sermon timeslot on Sunday has the potential to be the most important module in our week. Those of us sitting in the pews know that we should have daily quiet times. We know that we should listen to our …
Everything you do with respect to your preaching should be the product of an intentional choice. The ironic thing is that even when you think you are not making choices intentionally, your actions reveal your intentions. Even if you don’t mean them to. The essential principle upon which this book rests is the following: the …
Meirwyn Walters & Rabbi Walker discuss his book Intentional Preaching.